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Science & Technology

Why are Sciences so important for children development...

  1. Science is a part of our daily life. Everything we do and deal with in life is science from cooking, playing ball, growing a garden and understanding how technologies work to watching a rain storm.

  2. Understanding science helps kids appreciate and relate to the world around them.

  3. Science education teaches children more than just the basics of geology, biology, physics and chemistry. Science teaches children to make observations, collect information and to use logical thinking to draw a conclusion. These skills are important for every part of our lives.

  4. Scientists are an important part of the future of our world. Without them we would not be able to predict the weather or earthquakes, understand global warming, cure illnesses and take care of the sick, or have many of the products that enhance our lifestyles today.

  5. Science education provides children an understanding of how things work, such as earthquake movement, weather patterns, chemical reactions and nutritional needs, which will help them to safe, healthy environments for future generations.

  6. Children are naturally curious. Science education fuels that curiosity and provides children with valuable ideas, skills, and potential future career choices.

  7. Science education gives children the opportunity to experiment and work in teams. These activities enhance communication, research, reporting, and collaboration skills.

  8. Children who have a basic understanding of science are more receptive to new technologies and ideas in the future that can stimulate research, development and businesses.

  9. Geology education teaches children about earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, and tsunamis arming them with knowledge and Earth processes that can protect their health and safety throughout their lives.

  10. Children with a basic understanding of rocks and minerals are able to translate that knowledge to a wide variety of activities and potential careers such as gardening, groundwater recovery, pollution control and clean-up, engineering, environmental research, oil and gas exploration and recovery, road construction, mining, energy production and jewelry manufacturing.

Source: Mini Me Geology





Science & Technology
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