The skills of Youth Workers (facilitators, volunteers and NEETs) from the community & from its organisations (schools, municipality, youth orgs, cultural orgs, civil society orgs, other) are increased and developed, as way to gain capacity to develop and assist regular & consistent non-formal learnings & activities for youth, and also to transfer societal fundamental values to young people, thus preventing the main phenomena actually affecting young people (school absence, bullying, non-healthy behaviors, among other). Youth work will be purposefully adjusted towards young people's needs through the development of comprehensive training programme and adequate job shadowing actions.

Want to know about SparkYWorkers?
We invite you to consult the two handbooks available here: The SparkYWorkers handbook (the role of youth workers, youth clubs, tips and practices), and the SparkSEED dissemination guide (about how to transfer and replicate the SparkSEEDs model in your own working context).