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Created and developed in the frame of the learning community, and supported by the network constituted at each community. The main goal is creating different “spaces”, entirely participatory (by all, community agents, youth workers, schools and youth), for the analysis, selection and design of models, tools and practices for the proficient education of youngsters.


SparkLABs follow different thematic:

> Arts & Culture

> Nature & Sports

> Science & Technology

> Citizenship & Entrepreneurship



Want to know about SparkLABs?


We invite you to consult the two handbooks available here: The SparkLABs handbook (defining SparkLABs, open Education resources, activities for youth), and the SparkSEED dissemination guide (about how to transfer and replicate the SparkSEEDs model in your own working context).


©2020 SparkSEEDs - Empowering Youth Learning Communities é um projeto co-financiado pelo programa Erasmus+ Juventude em Ação da União Europeia. Esta comunicação reflete as opiniões apenas do(s) autor(es), e a Comissão não pode ser responsabilizada por qualquer uso que possa ser feito das informações nela contidas.


©2020 por SparkSEEDs - Empowering Youth Learning Communities

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